
In the universe, there are two creators; SYU and YU.


For her detailed information, see SYU.

SYU is the creator, able to create anything based on her imaginations. Despite being the creator of the universe, she is surprisingly young, but goes with a mature thinking.

She originally created the universe with nothing more but positivity and  a fair amount of negativity.

However, her negative dark thoughts made her to accidentally create negative creations such as the Phantoms. This backfired and the Phantoms were spread across the universe, corrupting other creations such as Elprup.

So far, she has created 3 planets, 6 races, and in total of 44 creations.


Alaxian, Niji and The CORE.


Galaxian, Gasalian, Colourian, Phantoms, Cyber, and RESponsibilities.


For her detailed information, see YU.

YU is the negative counterpart of the original creator, SYU.

YU resembles SYU's depression and negativity.
YU had her own universe once, which is the alternate universe of SYU's where everything is altered.
Because of the rebellion and betrayal made against her by her own creations, she erased the universe, taking only Othoni with her.
When SYU is not around, YU will be in charge of the universe.

YU has created 1 planet, 1 races and in total of 12 creations.




For the list of her creations, see Murderians and Phantoms.
